
Publication details [#58003]

Ghadiri, Momene, Reza Zabihi and Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi. 2013. The sport discourse in the Iranian context: ‘Ye Tūp Dâram Ghelghelieh (I have a round ball). Journal of multicultural discourses 8 (2) : 145–156.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher


This article concentrates on meaning construction via sport declarations in the Iranian sport context, as in those published by Mohammad Mayeli Kohan, the previous coach of the Iran National Football Team. It also examines what problems (insider or outsider) readers may encounter in meaning interpretation. Apparently, the writer was indirectly adverting to the unprofessionalism, disguise and mendacity that amply dominate the Iranian Football community.