
Publication details [#58228]

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Article in book
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The vast, emerging interdisciplinary neuropragmatics field focuses on the mind/brain processes underlying the creation of context-fit meanings for succesful communicative interaction. Functional neuroimaging has revealed that pragmatic processes are particularly well seized by the network model advanced in cognitive neuroscience (Bressler & Menon 2010). Clinical practice is showing enhanced attempts to incorporate pragmatics in the neuropsychological evaluation (Adams 2002).The recognition of communicative intention and speech act force; the construction of non-literal meanings; and discourse management are three main research domains and topics in examining pragmatics in the brain, both via neuropsychological and imaging approaches (Stemmer 2008; Bambini 2010). The notion of “pragmatic competence” is briefly addressed and bodily experience remains one of the fields to be investigated.