Publication details [#58769]
Schnurr, Stephanie and Olga Zayts. 2014. More than ‘information provider’ and ‘counselor’: Constructing and negotiating roles and identities of nurses in genetic counseling sessions. Journal of Sociolinguistics 18 (3) : 345–369.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Journal WWW
Using 150 (+) video-taped Hong Kong nurse-client genetic counseling encounters, this paper exemplifies that the discursive processes associated with the nurses' identity constructions are intricate, overlaying and sometimes paradoxical as the nurses fulfill the (occasionally) opponent norms and prospects of their own, their clients, and their institution. They handle these tensions by relying on the classic roles allocated to nurses in these encounters like information supplier and adviser, and by generating the novel roles of codecision maker and cultural agent/moderator.