Publication details [#59301]
Kalliokoski, Jyrki, Laura Visapää and Helena Sorva, eds. 2014. Contexts of Subordination. Cognitive, typological and discourse perspectives. (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 249). John Benjamins. viii, 288 pp.
Publication type
Book – edited volume
Publication language
This collection of articles approaches linguistic subordination as a semantico-grammatical and pragmatic phenomenon. The volume brings together cognitive, interactional and typological perspectives, and is characterised by extensive use of multi-genre data. The collection aims at a more precise understanding of subordination by emphasizing its pragmatic and contextual nature. Subordination and its linguistic realizations are studied from the perspective of language in its actual contexts of use, as an interactional resource available to language users, in both written and spoken language. In addition, the authors produce typologically relevant information about subordination in the different varieties and genres of the studied languages (English, Estonian, Finnish, and French). These qualities make the book unique in the field of subordination studies.