
Publication details [#59306]

Gruber, Helmut and Gisela Redeker, eds. 2014. The Pragmatics of Discourse Coherence. Theories and applications. (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 254). John Benjamins. vii, 295 pp.
Publication type
Book – edited volume
Publication language


Over the past four decades, discourse coherence has been studied from linguistic, psycholinguistic, computational, and applied perspectives. This volume identifies current issues and under-researched topics in the pragmatics of discourse coherence. Nine studies from various disciplines address the realization and signalling of coherence relations in various genres and languages, their acquisition and use by first- and second-language learners and university students, the relationship between coherence relations and genre-specific discourse structure, and extensions of the coherence paradigm to multimodal discourse and visual art.