
Publication details [#59667]

Aydın-Düzgit, Senem. 2015. European parliament ‘doing’ Europe. Unravelling the right-wing culturalist discourse on Turkey’s accession to the EU. Journal of Language and Politics 14 (1) : 154–174.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
Journal DOI


This article focuses on the discourses of the main centre-right political party group (EPP-ED, EPP) in the European Parliament on Turkey’s accession to the European Union. It utilises the analytical framework of the Discourse-Historical Approach in Critical Discourse Analysis to mainly concentrate on the articulations of ‘culture’ and ‘cultural identity’ in the discussions over Turkish accession in official parliamentary debates and in-depth personal interviews with the members of this group. It is argued that a relational theorising of identity allows for analysis of the ways in which a cultural ‘Europe’ is articulated through current discussions on Turkey in the mainstream right-wing European Parliament discourse and thus reveals the cultural borders that are enacted with reference to Turkish membership within this group.