
Publication details [#60359]

Krieger, Janice, Angela L. Palmer-Wackerly, Jessica L. Krok-Schoen, Phokeng M. Dailey, Julianne C. Wojno, Nancy Schoenberg, Electra D. Paskett and Mark Dignan. 2015. Caregiver Perceptions of Their Influence on Cancer Treatment Decision Making: Intersections of Language, Identity, and Illness. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 34 (6) : 640–565.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
SAGE Publications


Caregivers' language used to describe cancer treatment decision making of a loved one reveals how caregivers frame their own identity with regard to a patient’s illness (viz. a patient-level personal identity frame versus a relational identity frame). The intersection between language, identity, and disease is debated.