
Publication details [#60906]

Verbiest, A. and Jan D. ten Thije. 2016. NT2 ervaringen in Amsterdam. Het gebruik van Nederlands als tweede taal voor de zelfredzaamheid van Spaanstalige migranten in Amsterdam [L2 experiences in Amsterdam. The use of Dutch as second language for the self-reliance of Spanish speaking migrants in Amsterdam.] Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 5 (2) : 160–179.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
Journal DOI


According to the Dutch government it is essential for migrants to learn Dutch in order to achieve social and economic independency. This article states that Dutch language proficiency is not necessary in order to survive for Spanish speaking migrants who live in Amsterdam. This statement is supported with results that are obtained through participant observation at Spanish speaking migrant organisations and 25 focus interviews with Spanish speakers. The research results lead to the conclusion that Spanish speaking migrants in Amsterdam survive by using English. The citizens of Amsterdam make it difficult for Spanish speaking migrants to learn Dutch because they prefer to speak English with them. Furthermore, also at the current labour market, Dutch is not used as an effective means of communication but instead as a selection tool. Knowledge of Dutch is only experienced as essential by Spanish speaking migrants who want to integrate and understand Dutch society.