
Publication details [#61282]

Kampf, Zohar. 2016. All the Best! Performing solidarity in political discourse. Journal of Pragmatics 93 : 47–60.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher


Preserving, validating, and restoring good relationships with others in political discourse by conveying participation and care are salient for confirming cooperation and obtaining power. This study distinguishes and examines a series of speech acts employed by public actors as solidarity-raising devices. Drawing on 605 utterances build around the Hebrew speech act verb Le-varech and its English matches (thank, welcome, congratulate, praise, greet, bless, and wish), this study presents a prime mapping of past-, present-, and future-oriented accord actions executed in both national and international politics, indicates their communicative and political functions on personal and interactional planes, and terminates by describing the political processes they introduce, uphold, or remodel.