
Publication details [#61379]

Herring, Susan C. and Anupam Das. 2016. Greetings and interpersonal closeness: The case of Bengalis on Orkut. Language & Communication 47 : 53–65.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher


This study explores to what degree greetings in 79 dyads on a social network site popular with South Asians are linked to the familiarity extent of the users, cultured middle class Bengalis residing in the U.S.. There is a link between social distance degree and Bangla greeting frequency when greeting type (ordinary vs. ritualistic) and way of expression (unmarked vs. increased) are reckoned with. However, some reciprocity elements between interpersonal affinity and greetings can only be grasped if cultural nuances and medium of exchange are considered.