
Publication details [#61457]

Borjian, Habib and Daniel Kaufman. 2016. Juhuri: From the Caucasus to New York City. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2016 (237) : 59–74.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
De Gruyter


The New York expatriate Juhuri-speaking community (a dialect of the eastern Caucasian Tat language) has mainly gathered in Brooklyn around the Kavkazi Jewish Congregation. The language is still used by Caucasus-born individuals and preserved in some families and some daily life spheres. This paper examines its role in relation to ethno-religious identity, language attitude, and functional fields. The first two decades will likely witness its loss, unless a critical mass of language activists are able to turn the tide.