
Publication details [#62033]

Eisenchlas, Susana A., Andrea C. Schalley and Gordon Moyes. 2016. Play to learn: self-directed home language literacy acquisition through online games. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 19 (2) : 136–152.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher


Australian Home language literacy education mainly pursued via Community Language Schools, encounters some dares that lead to a situation with harmful impact on children, families and communities, and involves a loss of chances for the country. This pilot study run in Australia with English–German bilinguals, explores whether primary school-aged children can self-guide their home language literacy achievement by playing online educational games in the seclusion of their homes and with little adult input. Outcomes show the games can be efficient in aiding rising literacy evolution.