
Publication details [#62203]

Velez, John A., Tobias Greitemeyer, Jordi L. Whitaker, David R. Ewoldson and Brad J. Bushman. 2016. Violent Video Games and Reciprocity. The Attenuating Effects of Cooperative Game Play on Subsequent Aggression. Communication Research 43 (4) : 447–467.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
SAGE Publications


Cooperative fierce video game playing ended in less aggression between video game partners (Experiment 1) and between non-video game partners (Experiment 2) than did competitive or stand-alone games. Interestingly, cooperative game play and no-game play produced equal degrees of aggression (Experiment 1), whereas competitive and solo game play produced equal levels of aggression (Experiment 2). These results correspond with the theory of bounded generalized reciprocity.