
Publication details [#62258]

Fiedler, Sabine. 2017. Phraseological borrowing from English into German: Cultural and pragmatic implications. Journal of Pragmatics 113 : 89–102.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher


This assay deals with lexical borrowing of phraseological units, i.e. prefabricated items in the form of word-groups and sentences, from English into German, and focuses on their pragmatic and cultural implications. The borrowings cover the reception of discourse patterns, interaction norms (e.g. the use of verbal and non-verbal routines and address terms), traditions (e.g. holidays) and symbols. In the majority of cases, the transfer of linguistic elements and the extra-linguistic entities or practices they refer to go hand in hand. This assay analyses contact-induced change in the use of catchphrases and formulae and their particular functions in spoken and written communication and comprises a comparative study that discloses parallel evolutions in other recipient languages.