
Publication details [#62717]

Sikström, Sverker, Patricia Rosenberg and Danilo Garcia. 2017. The A(ffective) B(ehavioral) C(ognitive) of Taboo Words in Natural Language: The Relationship Between Taboo Words’ Intensity and Frequency. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 36 (3) : 306–320.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
SAGE Publications


This paper explores the link between the affective component (A: the level of offensiveness/intensity) and the behavioral component (B: the frequency of usage) of taboo words that are part of an individual’s natural language (C: the cognitive component). In Study 1, 900 U.S. residents produced the 10 most common taboo words they employ in their daily lives (C). In Study 2, 1,000 U.S. residents, presented with the 30 most common taboo words (C) from Study 1, were asked to rate how offensive they perceived the words (A) and how often they employed these words (B). The outcomes indicate that the level of offensiveness of taboo words (A) forecasts the usage of the words (B) that are part of a person’s natural language (C): the ABC-hypothesis of taboo words.