
Publication details [#62720]

Carnaghi, Andrea, Mauro Bianchi, Valentina Piccoli, Davide Zotti and Fabio Fasoli. 2017. The Impact of Homophobic Labels on the Internalized Homophobia and Body Image of Gay Men: The Moderation Role of Coming-Out. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 36 (3) : 356–367.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
SAGE Publications


This inquiry explores whether homophobic labels and category-neutral terms are divergently evaluated as a function of levels of coming-out. After reporting their coming-out status, participants were exposed to either homophobic or category labels and reported their semantic associations, level of internalized homophobia, and body perceptions. Results display that labels were more positively assessed as participants’ coming-out raised. High–coming-out individuals reported higher internalized homophobia and body concerns in the homophobic rather than category labels condition. Low–coming-out individuals showed the reverse pattern.