Publication details [#62859]
Ahangar, Abbas Ali, Esmaeel Nourmohammadi and Seyyedeh Nazanin Rahnemoon. 2017. Thematic structure and translation: A case study of the translation of English news into Persian. Lingua 194 : 26–50. ![DOI logo](
Publication type
Article in journal
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Journal WWW
Thematic structure is regarded as one of the discourse elements that can be examined particularly in the process of translation. Therefore, this inquiry tried to explore and analyze the thematic structure of English news and their Persian translated version utilizing both descriptive and quantitative approaches. Correspondingly, 1000 clauses in English and 1095 translated clauses in Persian were collected from the University of Tehran Persian-English Comparable Corpus (UTPECC). Then, the extracted data were explored adopting Halliday and Matthiessen's (2014) classification of thematic structure. All the structural procedures and a significant difference between the theme types in both corpora showed that the canonical form of Persian structure was preferred over keeping the English thematic structure in the translation of English news text into Persian.