Publication details [#62885]
Perdu, Nora and Derya Güngör. 2017. Resilience and acculturative pathways underlying psychological well-being of immigrant youth. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 56 : 1–12.
Publication type
Article in journal
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Place, Publisher
Journal WWW
Most immigrant youths in Western Europe appear to feel well despite social-economic-cultural prejudice. Researchers tend to link the well-being of these youths to immigrants’ distinctive experiences associated with their background culture, i.e., relatedness. Merging insights from resilience and acculturation viewpoints in light of an ecological viewpoint, this paper tested the hypothesis that communal (e.g., school) and individual resources (e.g., autonomy) that point out mainstream culture and values of independence are also helpful to the well-being of immigrant youth, particularly when these youths are high on mainstream culture adoption. A questionnaire study among immigrant and nonimmigrant vocational school students in Belgium (N = 290) disclosed that not only relatedness but also school engagement and autonomy were predictive of a high well-being of immigrant youth, especially of those who assumed mainstream culture. Outcomes propose that in different cultural contexts acculturating youth depend on multiple resources to cope with social adversity and employ acculturation orientations to maximize their benefit from these resources.