
Publication details [#62973]

Bonnin, Juan Eduardo and Antonio Reyes. 2017. Negotiating use, norm and authority in online language forums. Current Issues in Language Planning 18 (2) : 136–160.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher


The acquisition of a particular language and its standard norms of use have been traditionally channeled through education, dictionaries and institutional publications, but more and more, the internet has become a recurrent platform to consult norms and rules, through different forms of electronically mediated communication in which language users debate, define and re-construct the idea of standard language. This inquiry (1) presents a platform that has overtaken the spaces presented institutionally to debate normative uses of language; (2) examines the way social actors participate, refer to and construct the idea of standard language interactively in language forums and more importantly, (3) discloses the way authority about language use is constructed, shown and accepted in these online communities of practice, even though members’ identities are restricted to a few profile features, making them quasi-anonymous. This inquiry adds to a better grasp of language in society, in particular, of ideological debates about the Spanish language in competing non-institutional contexts, such as internet forums, where users re-define the standard language, discussing language use dialogically.