Publication details [#63059]
Young, Andrea and Latisha Mary. 2017. Engaging with emergent bilinguals and their families in the pre-primary classroom to foster well-being, learning and inclusion. Language and Intercultural Communication 17 (4) : 455–473.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
This paper proposes data from a longitudinal study conducted in a pre-primary classroom of 3–4-year-old emergent bi/plurilingual children during their first year of formal schooling in France. It centers on how the teacher’s intercultural competence eased the emergent bilingual children’s transition from home to school and favored positive relationships with these parents and included them in the classroom. The data also propose that the establishment of trusting relationships and safe spaces for these children and their families fostered the emergence of co-educational practices, to wit in the area of literacy and fostered their well-being, learning and inclusion.