
Publication details [#63155]

Kvam, Dani S. 2017. The role of confianza in ethnic social communication among Mexican immigrants making lives in the United States. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 10 (4) : 342–358.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher


This study explores how the cultural construct of confianza molds Mexican ethnic social communication, or coethnic interaction, during adaptation. Employing the ethnography of communication, this article elucidates how confianza makes available the communicative means of disclosing oneself, speaking directively, and asking questions, but makes unavailable the means of violating confidences, judging, and expressing superiority. This study asserts that the complexity of these coethnic interactions warrants additional inquiry and proposes that scholars start their studies by considering if and to what degree immigrants feel able to engage with one another prior to exploring adaptive outcomes of their interactions.