Publication details [#63369]
Wiese, Heike, Katharina Mayr, Philipp Krämer, Patrick Seeger, Hans-Georg Müller and Verena Mezger. 2017. Changing teachers' attitudes towards linguistic diversity: effects of an anti‐bias programme. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 27 (1) : 198–220.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Journal WWW
This study debates an intervention programme for kindergarten and school teachers' continuing education in Germany that aims at biases against language outside a perceived monolingual ‘standard’ and its speakers. The programme combines anti‐bias methods linked to linguistic diversity with aims of increasing critical language awareness. Assessment via teachers' workshops in Berlin and Brandenburg indicates positive and enduring attitudinal changes in participants, but not in control groups that did not attend workshops, and effects were independent of personal variables gender and teaching subject and only faintly linked to age. The study links these effects to such programme features as indirect and inclusive methods that promote active engagement, and the combination of ‘safer’ topics targeting attitudes towards linguistic structures with more challenging ones handling the discrimination of speakers.