
Publication details [#63454]

Fernández, Eva M., Ricardo Augusto De Souza and Agustina Carando. 2017. Bilingual innovations: Experimental evidence offers clues regarding the psycholinguistics of language change. Bilingualism 20 (2) : 251–268.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Cambridge University Press


Uninterrupted interaction between a bilingual's two languages can be a first step toward diachronic language change. This study describes two explorations that examine this by investigating how bilinguals process innovative syntactic structures in their first language. In the first exploration, a sentence recall/sentence matching task, bilinguals and monolinguals displayed differences in their tolerance of expressions of induced motion, which differ in acceptability between the two languages (Portuguese and English). In the second exploration, a priming methodology was used to induce bilinguals to generate in their first language (Spanish) innovative constructions modeled on the second language (English), employing materials where the alternation is shared between the two languages (voice, reciprocal) or not (dative). The two explorations provide a window into how languages interact in bilinguals, inducing tolerance of ungrammaticality which, it is asserted, could lead to long-term novel representations in the linguistic competence repositories.