
Publication details [#63775]

Özyürek, Asli, Aylin C. Küntay, Fatma Nihan Ketrez and Şeyda Özçalışkan, eds. 2017. Social Environment and Cognition in Language Development. Studies in honor of Ayhan Aksu-Koç. (Trends in Language Acquisition Research 21). John Benjamins. xii, 242 pp.
Publication type
Book – edited volume
Publication language


Language development is driven by multiple factors involving both the individual child and the environments that surround the child. The chapters in this volume highlight several such factors as potential contributors to developmental change, including factors that examine the role of immediate social environment (i.e., parent SES, parent and sibling input, peer interaction) and factors that focus on the child’s own cognitive and social development, such as the acquisition of theory of mind, event knowledge, and memory. The discussion of the different factors is presented largely from a crosslinguistic framework, using a multimodal perspective (speech, gesture, sign). The book celebrates the scholarly contributions of Prof. Ayhan Aksu-Koç – a pioneer in the study of crosslinguistic variation in language acquisition, particularly in the domain of evidentiality and theory of mind.