Publication details [#64163]
Do, Hoa and Giang Tran Huu Thuy. 2018. Vietnamese telephone openings. Both universals and particulars. Language and Dialogue 8 (3) : 363–389.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
Journal DOI
This study builds upon Schegloff’s model as a template to investigate the phenomenon of how Vietnamese people perform their telephone openings. It uses a corpus of 50 audio recordings of Vietnamese telephone openings to analyze such a phenomenon through both Conversation Analysis and Ethnography methods in order to capture the data in naturally-occurring settings, and to provide insights into Vietnamese culture that makes Vietnamese telephone openings different from North American ones. The findings demonstrate that Vietnamese telephone openings share some common features with telephone openings in different language communities, especially North American culture. Nevertheless, a number of variations, due to language and cultural differences, still exist. The study discusses both theoretical and practical implications.