Publication details [#64390]
Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de, Deo Kawalya and Koen Bostoen. 2018. From conditionality to modality in Luganda (Bantu, JE15): A synchronic and diachronic corpus analysis of the verbal prefix -andi-. Journal of Pragmatics 127 : 84–106.
Publication type
Article in journal
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Place, Publisher
Journal WWW
This paper displays that conditionality doesn't has to be a post-modal meaning as is more common. It is one of the scarce systematic inquiries of conditionality and modality in Bantu. It is entirely corpus-based whereas Bantu corpus linguistics is still in its infancy. It provides empirical diachronic evidence for structural and semantic developments in Luganda. It tracks the interaction of conditional constructions and modality through time.