
Publication details [#64656]

Sailer, Manfred. 2018. ‘Doing the devil’: Deriving the PPI-hood of a negation-expressing multi-dimensional idiom. Linguistics 56 (2) : 401–434.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
De Gruyter


This article debates the German idiomatic expression einen/den Teufel tun ‘do a/the devil’ which is employed for emphatic rebuff. It is displayed that this expression is a PPI, as it cannot happen in the scope of negation. It motivates that the claimed content of the expression is negation. It asserts that the PPI-hood of the pondered expression is wholly reducible to its attributes as an idiomatic negation marker in a non-negative concord language and its multi-dimensional semantics.