Publication details [#65716]
Mantovan, Lara, Beatrice Giustolisi and Francesca Panzeri. 2019. Signing something while meaning its opposite: The expression of irony in Italian Sign Language (LIS). Journal of Pragmatics 142 : 47–61.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
Journal WWW
This paper handles irony expression in Italian Sign Language (LIS), i.e. signing something while meaning its contrary. Four Deaf native Italian Sign Language signers were given a Discourse Completion Task to get a semi-spontaneous induction of 10 minimal pairs of ironic/literal remarks putting either praises or criticisms. The assay of this corpus disclosed that: sentence meaning is manually conveyed via the polarity of the evaluative lexical sign; signer's conduct is conveyed non-manually via mouth-corners up and down; ironic remarks display a lengthy articulation; and irony might be farther notified by non-obligatory non-manual and manual cues.