Publication details [#65989]
Cots, Josep María and Montserrat Mir. 2019. The use of humor in Spanish and English compliment responses: A cross-cultural analysis. Humor 32 (3) : 393–416. 
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
complimenting | face maintenance | humor | irony | language and culture | politeness | response | teasing
Place, Publisher
De Gruyter
Journal WWW
Compliments and compliment responses (CRs) are face threatening acts which may imperil the interlocutor’s positive and negative face. CRs are particularly challenging because of the need to equipoise accepting the compliment with saving face for not sounding snippy. The use of humor in replying to a compliment can serve as a softening factor to reply to a compliment elegantly but with mirth to balance out the face loss. This inquiry assays humorous CRs in Spanish and English in order to set up cross-cultural collations.