Publication details [#66645]
Ryan, John Michael. 2019. Communicating trans identity. Toward an understanding of the selection and significance of gender identity-based terminology. Journal of Language and Sexuality 8 (1) : 221–241.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
Journal DOI
This paper will analyze a series of qualitative interviews to better understand the selection and significance of gender identity-based terminology used by trans persons in the United Kingdom. An analysis of factors such as the perceived understanding of terminology available at a given historical moment (i.e. transgender, transman, trans, etc.), identity of interactors (i.e. trans or cis identified), and purpose of interaction (i.e. legal, medical) will be considered to better understand the terminology chosen by individuals to construct and communicate their gender identity in a way that has meaning both to themselves as well as to those with whom they are communicating. Analysis will help to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of terminology in how trans persons understand and communicate their gender identity.