
Publication details [#66932]

Guimond, Serge, Constantina Badea, Nolwenn Anier, Elodie Roebroeck, Emmanuelle P. Kleinlogel, Armelle Nugier and Mickaël Berthon. 2019. The effect of the normative context on intergroup discrimination: implications for the scientific value of exact and conceptual replications. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 73 : 43–58.
Publication type
Article in journal
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Place, Publisher


This study tested the hypothesis that discriminatory behaviors against religious or ethnic minorities are largely governed by culturally specific intergroup norms that are tied to a given social context. Findings support the claim that intergroup behaviors are highly sensitive to variations in the social context and that culture-specific intergroup norms play a causal role in the emergence of discrimination. The implications of the findings for the scientific value of exact versus conceptual replications in social psychology are debated.