
Publication details [#67137]

Marten, Heiko F. and Maris Saagpakk. 2019. The monolingual habitus of German society challenging the interests of an autochthonous minority language: Linguistic landscapes in the Sorbian “capital” of Bautzen / Budyšin. Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies 13 (3).
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Language as a subject
Place, Publisher
Centre for Applied Language Studies. University of Jyväskylä


This inquiry analyzes the linguistic landscape (LL) in the Sorbian “capital” of Bautzen / Budyšin (B) in Germany. The vast majority of signs in B are in German only. Interviews conducted in shops and on the streets reveal that paternalistic attitudes common to perceptions of language policies and minority languages in Germany dominate; practices maintain the common monolingual habitus in German society.