
Publication details [#67282]

Kurzon, Dennis. 2020. When perlocutions become silent: Politicians and the right of silence -- a case study. Israel Affairs 26 (1) : 44–58.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


In order to stay in the limelight and be re-elected, politicians depend on their voice to persuade potential voters or party members to support them in general elections or primaries, respectively; their assertions and claims in the form of illocutionary acts also function as perlocutionary acts of persuasion. But when politicians are under criminal investigation, often for corruption in Israel and in other countries, they may silence themselves during police investigation and court hearings, thereby silencing any perlocutionary act that may emerge from their answering questions. This article will examine the case of Naomi Blumenthal, who was found guilty of bribery and obstruction of justice in 2006, and who maintained silence during the police investigation.