
Publication details [#67515]

Czapiga, Artur. 2017. Leksykalno-pragmatyczne wykładniki aprobaty jako aktu mowy. Na materiale języka polskiego, rosyjskiego i angielskiego [Lexical and Pragmatic Markers of Approval as a Speech Act. In Polish, Russian and English]. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. 272 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
Language as a subject


This monograph is the result of research conducted on utterances expressing approval in Polish, Russian and English languages. The main purpose is the pragmatic analysis of approval as a speech act and determining its culture specific features for the aforementioned languages. Standardised description of the utterances helps to compare the ways approval is verbalised in different communicative situations, in comparative outline. The model of pragmatic analysis for the interpretation of the speaker’s intentions proposed in the paper includes universal elements as well as those of a more specific nature, characteristic for approval itself. The first group consists of the speaker and the hearer, relations between them, and the object of approval. The second group covers the way approval is expressed, the state of affairs and consent for the proposed state. The investigated model of recognition and interpretation of approval reveals the nature of both lexical markers (based on the unit’s meaning) and pragmatic ones (based on the pragmatic function of the unit in the particular context) of this speech act. Grice’s conversation maxims emerged to be valuable in reconstructing the pragmatic meanings of the utterances under investigation. The analysis includes also the assumptions of conversation strategies and tactics.