
Publication details [#72496]

Kochmańska, Wioletta. 2014. Relacja słowo-obraz w kreowaniu postaci w dyskursie medialnym (szkic na materiale artykułów z kręgu tematyki sportowej w e-prasie) [The word-image relationship in character creating in the media discourse (sketch based on the articles material from the sport theme in the e-press)]. Słowo. Studia językoznawcze 5 (2014) : 114–131.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Journal DOI


The paper presents the relation of a picture and words as a mechanism for creating an image of a person. The material was excerpted from sport broadcasts available in editions of e-press. It was pointed out that the text profiling the subject image is the result of a complex mental process that uses both elements of iconic vetting and meaning hidden in the metatext.