
Publication details [#7419]

Partridge, John Geoffrey. 1982. Semantic, pragmatic and syntactic correlates: An analysis of performative verbs based on English data. G. Narr. 172 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
Language as a subject
Person as a subject


P. considers the general properties of performatives from a linguistic and pragmatic point of view (with a discussion of Austin's performative/constative distinction, and the taxonomy of illocutionary acts), he presents a set of tests for determining performatives, he discusses Ross (1970: 'On declarative sentences') and presents an alternative, he considers the explicitness component as a basic parameter for classifying performatives, he investigates the problem of performative embedding, with particular reference to the co-occurrence restrictions on modal verbs and performatives, and he concludes with some general reflections.

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