
Publication details [#909]

Attili, Grazia and Laura Benigni. 1979. Interazione sociale, ruolo sessuale e comportamento verbale: Lo stile retorico naturale del linguaggio femminile nell'interazione faccia a faccia. In Albano Leoni, Federico and Maria Rosaria Pigliasco. Retorica e scienze del linguaggio. Atti del X congresso internazionale di studi, Pisa 1976. Bulzoni. pp. 261–279.
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Person as a subject


A. and B. analyze a number of conversations in small groups including men, women, or both men and women. The analysis shows that women's language differs from men's language with respect to syntactic organization, use of parenthetic clauses, resort to examples, use of incomplete sentences. These differences are said to be determined by the prevailing influence of non-linguistic goals in women's talk.