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Publication details [#67202]

Liang, Linxin and Mingwu Xu. 2019. An exploratory study of Chinese words and phrases. A survey based on corpus to observe Chinese-English translation methods and international usage variability. Babel 65 (1) : 96–113.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
John Benjamins
Journal DOI


This research was carried out with two main purposes: to survey the methods necessary to translate Chinese words and phrases into English, and to investigate how frequently their English versions appear in twenty different countries or regions. The research was conducted through an analysis of data from Xi Jinping’s book The Governance of China (English version), published by Foreign Languages Press. The results show that 401 Chinese words and phrases reflect seven specific translation methods. Moreover, their frequency of usage shows obvious differences across twenty different countries or regions based on the statistical analysis of the corpora. It is hoped that the Chinese-English (C-E) translation of political texts can benefit from these conclusions.