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Meeuwis, Michael. 2015. Language legislation in the Belgian Colonial Charter of 1908: a textual-historical analysis. Language Policy 14 (1) : 49–65. 
Meeuwis, Michael. 2013. Recruiting a nonlocal language for performing local identity: Indexical appropriations of Lingala in the Congolese border town Goma. Language in Society 42 (5) : 527–556. 
Meeuwis, Michael. 2011. Bilingual inequality: Linguistic rights and disenfranchisement in late Belgian colonization. Journal of Pragmatics 43 (5) : 1279–1287. 
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Meeuwis, Michael. 2004. Seduction, Community, Speech: A Festschrift for Herman Parret. John Benjamins.