Myers-Scotton, Carol. 2008. Language Contact: Why Outsider System Morphemes Resist Transfer. Journal of language contact thema II : 21–41. 
Myers-Scotton, Carol. 2007. The grammatical profile of L1 speakers on the stairs of potential language shift. In : 69–82. 
Myers-Scotton, Carol. 2005. Embedded Language elements in Acholi/English codeswitching: What's going on? Language Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa 36 (1) : 3–18. 
Myers-Scotton, Carol. 2002. Making a minimalist approach to codeswitching work: Adding the Matrix Language. Bilingualism 5 : 69–91. 
Myers-Scotton, Carol. 2002. Frequency and intentionality in (un)marked choices in codeswitching: "This is a 24-hour country". International Journal of Bilingualism 6 (2) : 205–219. 
Myers-Scotton, Carol. 2001. Calculating speakers: Codeswitching in a rational choice model. Language in Society 30 (1) : 1–28. 
Myers-Scotton, Carol. 2000. Explaining the role of norms and rationality in codeswitching. Journal of Pragmatics 32 (9) : 1259–1271. 
Myers-Scotton, Carol. 2000. Review of $The power of Babel: Language and governance in the African experience. Language in Society 29 (3) : 446–449. 
Myers-Scotton, Carol. 1998. Orderly mixing and accommodation in South African codeswitching. Journal of Sociolinguistics 2 (3) : 395–420. 
Myers-Scotton, Carol. 1998. Structural uniformities vs. community differences in codeswitching. In : 91–108. 
Myers-Scotton, Carol. 1997. The structure of Tsotsitaal and Iscamtho: code switching and in-group identity in South African townships. Linguistics 35 (2) : 317–342. 
Myers-Scotton, Carol. 1996. Review of $Review of E. Adegbija (1994:'Language attitudes in Sub-Saharan Africa. A sociolinguistic overview.'). Language in Society 25 (2) : 311–313. 
Myers-Scotton, Carol. 1995. Matching lemmas in a bilingual language competence and production model: Evidence from intrasentential code switching. Linguistics 33 (5) : 981–1024.