Blackledge, Adrian. 2017. The ‘other woman’ in a mother and daughter relationship: The case of Mami Ji. Language in Society 46 (2) : 185–206. 
Blackledge, Adrian. 2015. ‘They look into our lips’. Negotiation of the citizenship ceremony as authoritative discourse. Journal of Language and Politics 14 (3) : 382–405. 
Blackledge, Adrian. 2011. Separate and flexible bilingualism in complementary schools: Multiple language practices in interrelationship. Journal of Pragmatics 43 (5) : 1196–1208. 
Blackledge, Adrian. 2009. Being English, speaking English: Extension to English language testing legislation and the future of multicultural Britain. In : 83–108. 
Blackledge, Adrian. 2009. ‘Because tumi Bangali’: Inventing and disinventing the national in multilingual communities in the UK. Ethnicities 9 (4) : 451–476. 
Blackledge, Adrian. 2006. The Magical Frontier between the Dominant and the Dominated: Sociolinguistics and Social Justice in a Multilingual World. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 27 (1) : 22–41. 
Blackledge, Adrian. 2006. The racialization of language in British political discourse. Critical Discourse Studies 3 (1) : 61–79. 
Blackledge, Adrian. 2003. Imagining a Monocultural Community: Racialization of Cultural Practice in Educational Discourse. Journal of Language, Identity & Education 2 (4) : 331–347. 
Blackledge, Adrian. 2002. The Discursive Construction of National Identity in Multilingual Britain. Journal of Language, Identity & Education : 67–87. 
Blackledge, Adrian. 2001. Review of $City Literacies: Learning to Read across Generations and Cultures. Discourse & Society 12 (5) : 682–684. 
Blackledge, Adrian. 2001. Multilingualism, second language learning, and gender. (Language, Power and Social Process 6). De Gruyter Mouton.