Pütz, Martin, ed. 2016. Endangered Languages and Languages in Danger. Issues of documentation, policy, and language rights. (IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society 42). John Benjamins. 
Pütz, Martin, ed. 2014. Multilingual Cognition and Language Use. Processing and typological perspectives. (Human Cognitive Processing 44). John Benjamins. 
Pütz, Martin. 2012. The emergence of Cognitive Sociolinguistics: An introduction. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 10 (2) : 241–263. 
Pütz, Martin, ed. 2010. Cognitive Processing in Second Language Acquisition. Inside the learner's mind. (Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research 13). John Benjamins. 
Pütz, Martin. 2008. The Future of French in Nigeria's Language Policies. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 29 (3) : 235–259. 
Pütz, Martin, ed. 2006. 'Along the Routes to Power'. Explorations of Empowerment through Language. De Gruyter. 
Pütz, Martin, ed. 2003. Cognitive Models in Language and Thought. Ideology, Metaphors and Meanings. (Cognitive Linguistics Research 24). De Gruyter. 
Pütz, Martin, ed. 2000. Explorations in Linguistic Relativity. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 199). John Benjamins. 
Pütz, Martin, ed. 1997. Language Choices: Conditions, constraints, and consequences. (IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society 1). John Benjamins. 
Pütz, Martin, ed. 1996. The construal of space in language and thought. (Cognitive Linguistics Research 8). De Gruyter Mouton. 
Pütz, Martin, ed. 1995. Discrimination through language in Africa? Perspectives on the Namibian experience. (Contributions to the Sociology of Language 69). De Gruyter Mouton. 
Pütz, Martin. 1995. Discrimination through language in Africa? Perspectives on the Namibian experience. De Gruyter Mouton. 
Pütz, Martin, ed. 1992. Thirty Years of Linguistic Evolution: Studies in honour of René Dirven on the occasion of his 60th birthday. John Benjamins.