Berk-Seligson, Susan. 2009. Coerced Confessions. The Discourse of Bilingual Police Interrogations. (Language, Power and Social Process 25). De Gruyter. 
Doerr, Neriko Musha. 2009. The Native Speaker Concept. Ethnographic Investigations of Native Speaker Effects. (Language, Power and Social Process 26). De Gruyter. 
Sung-Yul Park, Joseph. 2009. The Local Construction of a Global Language. Ideologies of English in South Korea. (Language, Power and Social Process 24). De Gruyter. 
Auer, J.C.P. 2008. Style and Social Identities. Alternative Approaches to Linguistic Heterogeneity. (Language, Power and Social Process 18). De Gruyter. 
Duchêne, Alexandre. 2008. Ideologies across Nations. The Construction of Linguistic Minorities at the United Nations. (Language, Power and Social Process 23). De Gruyter. 
Eades, Diana. 2008. Courtroom Talk and Neocolonial Control. (Language, Power and Social Process 22). De Gruyter. 
Felson Duchan, Judith and Dana Kovarsky, eds. 2005. Diagnosis as Cultural Practice. (Language, Power and Social Process 15). De Gruyter. 
Green, David and Irit Kupferberg. 2005. Troubled Talk. Metaphorical Negotiation in Problem Discourse. (Language, Power and Social Process 15). De Gruyter. 
Kienpointner, Manfred, Xu Shi and Jan Servaes, eds. 2005. Read the Cultural Other: Forms of Otherness in the Discourses of Hong Kong's Decolonization. (Language, Power and Social Process 14). De Gruyter. 
Jaworski, Adam, ed. 2004. Metalanguage: social and ideological perspectives. (Language, Power and Social Process 11). De Gruyter Mouton. 
Klapproth, Danièle M. 2004. Narrative as Social Practice: Anglo-Western and Australian Aboriginal Oral Traditions. (Language, Power and Social Process 13). De Gruyter. 
Locher, Miriam A. 2004. Power and Politeness in Action: Disagreements in Oral Communication. (Language, Power and Social Process 12). De Gruyter. 
Dedaic, Mirjana N. and Daniel Nelson, eds. 2003. At War With Words. (Language, Power and Social Process 10). 
Patrick, Donna R. 2003. Language, Politics, and Social Interaction in an Inuit Community. (Language, Power and Social Process 8). De Gruyter. 
Rindler Schjerve, Rosita. 2003. Diglossia and Power: Language Policies and Practice in the 19th Century Habsburg Empire. (Language, Power and Social Process 9). De Gruyter. 
Bonfiglio, Thomas Paul. 2002. Race and the Rise of Standard American. (Language, Power and Social Process 7). De Gruyter. 
Kuzar, Ron. 2001. Hebrew and Zionism: a discourse analytic cultural study. (Language, Power and Social Process 5). De Gruyter Mouton. 
Pavlenko, Aneta, Adrian Blackledge, Ingrid Piller and Marya Teutsch-Dwyer. 2001. Multilingualism, second language learning, and gender. (Language, Power and Social Process 6). De Gruyter Mouton. 
Pojular, Joan. 2001. Gender, heteroglossia and power. A sociolinguistic study of youth culture. (Language, Power and Social Process 4). De Gruyter Mouton.