Moyna, María Irene, ed. 2011. Compound Words in Spanish. Theory and history. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 316). John Benjamins. 
Broselow, Ellen and Hamid Ouali, eds. 2011. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics. Papers from the annual symposia on Arabic Linguistics. Volume XXII-XXIII: College Park, Maryland, 2008 and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2009. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 317). John Benjamins. 
Dressler, Wolfgang U., Franz Rainer, Dieter Kastovsky and Hans Christian Luschützky, eds. 2010. Variation and Change in Morphology. Selected papers from the 13th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, February 2008. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 310). John Benjamins. 
Lenker, Ursula, Judith Huber and Robert Mailhammer, eds. 2010. English Historical Linguistics 2008. Selected papers from the fifteenth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 15), Munich, 24-30 August 2008.
Volume I: The history of English verbal and nominal constructions (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 314). John Benjamins. 
Colina, Sonia, Ana Maria Carvalho and Antxon Olarrea, eds. 2010. Romance Linguistics 2009. Selected papers from the 39th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Tucson, Arizona, March 2009. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 315). John Benjamins. 
Vogel, Irene and Sergio Scalise, eds. 2010. Cross-Disciplinary Issues in Compounding. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 311). John Benjamins. 
Tremblay, Annie, Karlos Arregi, Silvina Montrul and Zsuzsanna Fagyal, eds. 2010. Romance Linguistics 2008. Interactions in Romance. Selected papers from the 38th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Urbana-Champaign, April 2008. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 313). John Benjamins. 
Frota, Sónia, Marina Vigário and Maria João Freitas, eds. 2009. Phonetics and Phonology. Interactions and interrelations. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 306). John Benjamins. 
Masullo, Pascual José, Erin O'Rourke and Chia-Hui Huang, eds. 2009. Romance Linguistics 2007. Selected papers from the 37th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Pittsburgh, 15–18 March 2007. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 304). John Benjamins. 
Nicolov, Nicolas, Galia Angelova and Ruslan Mitkov, eds. 2009. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing V. Selected papers from RANLP 2007. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 309). John Benjamins. 
Bubenik, Vit, John Hewson and Sarah Rose, eds. 2009. Grammatical Change in Indo-European Languages. Papers presented at the workshop on Indo-European Linguistics at the XVIIIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Montreal, 2007. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 305). John Benjamins. 
Dufresne, Monique, Fernande Dupuis and Etleva Vocaj, eds. 2009. Historical Linguistics 2007. Selected papers from the 18th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Montreal, 6–11 August 2007. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 308). John Benjamins. 
Calabrese, Andrea and W. Leo Wetzels, eds. 2009. Loan Phonology. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 307). John Benjamins. 
Torck, Danièle and W. Leo Wetzels, eds. 2009. Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2006. Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’, Amsterdam, 7–9 December 2006. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 303). John Benjamins.