Steen, Gerard and Marianna Bolognesi, eds. 2019. Perspectives on Abstract Concepts. Cognition, language and communication. (Human Cognitive Processing 65). John Benjamins.
Park, Chongwon. 2019. Reference Point and Case. A Cognitive Grammar exploration of Korean. (Human Cognitive Processing 68). John Benjamins.
Evans, Vyvyan and Lucy Pickering, eds. 2018. Language Learning, Discourse and Cognition. Studies in the tradition of Andrea Tyler. (Human Cognitive Processing 64). John Benjamins.
Athanasiadou, Angeliki, ed. 2017. Studies in Figurative Thought and Language. (Human Cognitive Processing 56). John Benjamins.
Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide, ed. 2017. Motion and Space across Languages. Theory and applications. (Human Cognitive Processing 59). John Benjamins.
Ungerer, Friedrich. 2017. How Grammar Links Concepts. Verb-mediated constructions, attribution, perspectivizing. (Human Cognitive Processing 57). John Benjamins.
Drożdż, Grzegorz, ed. 2016. Studies in Lexicogrammar. Theory and applications. (Human Cognitive Processing 54). John Benjamins.
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara, ed. 2016. Conceptualizations of Time. (Human Cognitive Processing 52). John Benjamins.
Pütz, Martin and Luna Filipovic, eds. 2014. Multilingual Cognition and Language Use. Processing and typological perspectives. (Human Cognitive Processing 44). John Benjamins.
Robinson, Justyna A. and Dylan Glynn, eds. 2014. Corpus Methods for Semantics. Quantitative studies in polysemy and synonymy. (Human Cognitive Processing 43). John Benjamins.
Moore, Kevin Ezra. 2014. The Spatial Language of Time. Metaphor, metonymy, and frames of reference. (Human Cognitive Processing 42). John Benjamins.
Stefanowitsch, Anatol and Juliana Goschler, eds. 2013. Variation and Change in the Encoding of Motion Events. (Human Cognitive Processing 41). John Benjamins.
Casad, Eugene H. 2012. From Space to Time. A cognitive analysis of the Cora locative system and its temporal extensions. (Human Cognitive Processing 39). John Benjamins.