
Publication details [#10043]

Simpson, Paul. 2003. On the Discourse of Satire: Towards a Stylistic Model of Satirical Humour. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 232 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
1588114392; 1588114396


This book advances a model for the analysis of contemporary satirical humour. Combining a range of theoretical frameworks in stylistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis, Simpson examines both the methods of textual composition and the strategies of interpretation for satire. Verbal irony is central to the model, in respect of which Simpson isolates three principal “ironic phases” that shape the uptake of satirical humour. Throughout the book, consistent emphasis is placed on satire’s status as a culturally situated discursive practice, while the categories of the model proposed are amply illustrated with textual examples. A notable feature of the book is a chapter on the legal implications of using satirical humour as a weapon of attack in the public domain. (Publisher Book Description)