
Publication details [#10076]

Skorczynska Sznajder, Hanna and Jordi Piqué-Angordans. 2005. A corpus-based description of metaphorical marking patterns in scientific and popular business discourse. 9 : 112–129. 18 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


Based on the analysis of two different corpora, this article presents a description of patterns of metaphorical marking in business research articles and business periodical articles. Different aspects are analysed in relation to metaphorical markers, such as (i) the different marker categories found in each corpus (applying Goatly's (1997) inventory of metaphorical markers), (ii) their frequency, or (iii) multiple marking patterns. Finally the authors address the pedagogical implications of the inclusion of metaphor and metaphorical markers in ESL curricula. The use of metaphor and metaphorical markers in ESL is useful as a tool for enhancing the vocabulary of learners and for raising learners' metaphorical awareness, which contributes to the achievement of higher levels of communicative competence. (Noelia Jiménez Martínez-Losa, Ruiz de Mendoza Group)