
Publication details [#10179]

Sosa Acevedo, Eulalia. 2005. Locative prepositional predicates in English: Pragmatic, semantic and cognitive motivation. Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 13 : 23–48. 26 pp.


This paper explores locative prefixes in English under the light of the Functional Lexematic Model (Martín Mingorance 1984, 1985a, 1990). This model contributed to the development of the lexicon component within Functional Grammar, and incorporated a Cognitive Axis in order to account for the cognitive mechanisms in language. Elaborating on these theoretical assumptions, the author deals with the following issues: (i) the role of metonymy (Part-whole relations) in the identification of meaning and in morphophonological features of locative prefixes, (ii) derivational schemata for locative prefixes, (iii) the role of metaphor (e.g. MORE CONTROL/POWER IS UP, LESS CONTROL/POWER IS DOWN) in the hierarchy of locative prefixes, and (iv) pragmatic, semantic-cognitive, and phonological restrictions on the occurrence of locative prefixes within the same domain or within the same dimension. (Noelia Jiménez Martínez-Losa and Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza)