
Publication details [#1027]

Beust, Pierre, Stéphane Ferrari and Vincent Perlerin. 2003. NLP model and tools for detecting and interpreting metaphors in domain-specific corpora. Lancaster: Lancaster University. 10 pp. URL
Publication type
Book – conference proceedings
Publication language
1 86220 131 5


This paper presents a Natural Language Processing project which focuses on computer-assisted metaphor interpretation. Its main aim is to put forward a user-centered lexical representation model, based on the theory of Interpretative Semantics, which can be employed in the detection and interpretation of metaphor in domain specific corpora. Several tools useful for such tasks are presented here. Moreover, the results of an experiment on a domain specific corpus are discussed. The experiment analyzes examples of a specific conventional metaphor: the stock market domain expressed by means of meteorological terms. Further applications of the model and its tools are also suggested.