Publication details [#10341]
Stellardi, Giuseppe. 2000. Heidegger and Derrida on Philosophy and Metaphor: Imperfect Thought. Amherst: Prometheus Books.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
"the other" | context | Derrida | ethics | Heidegger | living metaphor | metaphor | metaphor theory | philosophical discourse | philosophy | Ricoeur | text | truth
An incisive examination of metaphor; the theory of philosophical discourse; and a close analysis of texts by Martin Heidegger and Jacques Derrida for what they reveal about both metaphor and philosophical discourse. Stellardi also includes a discussion of the fundamental debate on metaphor between Derrida and Paul Ricoeur, and a detailed examination of philosophy as a "mode of discourse" among (and in relation to) others. The result is an idea of philosophy as essentially imperfect and self-destructive, and yet indispensable in the economy of the modes of discourse.
(Publisher Book Description)
Acknowledgments 13
Introduction 15
Field 19
Philosophical Theories of Metaphor 23
Usage of Metaphors in Philosophy 28
Relationship between Metaphor and Philosophy 31
Motives 32
Philosophy before Metaphor 33
Metaphor As Philosophy's Problem 34
Directions 37
Theory of Metaphor 38
Theory of Philosophical Discourse 38
Heidegger, Derrida: Imperfect Thoughts 38
Notes 40
Of Metaphor 43
Preliminary Questions 43
Beyond the Traditional Model 47
Labels and Metaphors 47
Toward a Description of Metaphor 49
The Mechanism of Metaphor 51
Definitions 51
The Trait 56
Text, Context, Reader 57
The "Other'' of Metaphor 59
Notes 65
The Ricoeur-Derrida Debate 70
Philosophy within Metaphor? 70
The Living Metaphor 78
The Retreat and the Catastrophe 91
Some Questions 99
Metaphors and Indecidables 105
Cumbersome Metaphors 105
Derrida's Operation 108
Impossible Foundations 111
Conclusion? 114
Notes 117
Position of the Problem and Initial Questions 128
Delimiting the Field 134
Operative Notion of Metaphor 134
Sample of Texts 135
Metaphor in Unterwegs zur Sprache 136
Heidegger and Metaphor 140
Grayness 141
Suffering 143
Control 145
The Structure and Function of Heidegger's Metaphor 148
The Structure of "Die Sprache'' 153
Textual Articulations 154
Logico-rhetorical Resources 155
Metaphors 156
The Poem 156
Silence and the Word 162
The Thought of Difference 165
Poetry and Thought 170
Heidegger's Operation 174
Grayness or Bliss? 177
Notes 182
Of Philosophy 193
Philosophy among the Modes of Discourse 194
Modes of Discourse 194
Analysis of Variables 198
Modes of Discourse and Metaphor 203
Modes of Discourse and Ethics 205
Modes of Discourse and Truth 206
Philosophical Discourse 208
Philosophical Truth and Ethics 210
Forthcoming Thought 215
Nonrepresentational Thought 218
Thought As Productive Fiction 222
Heidegger's Reader 225
Etymology, Quotation Marks, Rhetorical Question 229
Philosophy and Metaphor 232
Strategies of Deconstruction, or the Endless Death of Theory 235
Two Metaphors 235
Structuralism and Deconstruction 237
Force and Form 243
Metaphor, Theory, and Supertheory 246
Fidelity and Transgression 249
Life and Death 253
Notes 255
In Place of a Conclusion 261
Notes 265
Bibliography 267
Index 273